Intellect Finventures sees Asset Allocation as the combination of asset-classes within your portfolio that we design after an in-depth assessment of your overall long-term goals, time-frame and risk-tolerance. We know that different asset-classes have different investment-cycles. We use a personalized approach for asset-allocation, depending on each client’s financial goals. Aiming to execute the optimal balance of risk-adjusted returns for each asset-class, we implement an investment-strategy for you which balances risks and returns with the adjustment in the percentage of each asset in your portfolio accordingly, diminishing the effects of volatility. Empowering you with all-inclusive & unprejudiced investment advisory across diverse asset-classes and effective product-selection is our forte. Whether it’s Strategic, Dynamic or Tactical Asset Allocation, our endeavour revolves around providing you with stability to your portfolio. Once we get to know your financial situation and needs, we create an investment-plan that is flexible and represents your aspirations and risk-profile.

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